
omaha, nebraska

we are here! it has been two days of course.....and you just were praying and fasting to hear from us. Now...your answered prayer brings a smile you your face. God is good. there were no hitches or silly airport problems at all. You can actually see some of the beginnings of USA OUTREACH adventure in picture form if you click on our photo on the side!

steve, my amazing brother and his son Josiah picked us up from the airport as we toppled around with all our bags---and our minds were filled with 'where are we? what time is it? what time do I feel like it is?' we saw the grand OMAHA city and stopped by the church to visit Andrea, steve's wife. so many sights, so many things to soak in. This was a close part of my heart....but brand spanking new for Ragnhild. We met my neice....who was unable to say Ragnhild so she was told to use the name April. Ragnhild's American name is APRIL! Ha!

we went on a walk. amazing weather! It was 76 degrees F.....that is August in Norway weather. We even spotted a Norwegian Maple tree. Didnt know they existed.

We packed up and started for Lyndee that afternoon. We drove through 3 states in one hour...cross off Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, and eventually Kansas from the list! We were almost involved with a car accident...which was my fault. But we are sure that the Lord has His protecting arms around us. I decided not to drink or eat when I try to turn on to a one way.....ever! Praise the Lord for His arms of protection. (Later I was informed that Will, while driving a big car filled with people made the same mistake last night too!---God has is eye on us)

We finally see her again. It is so good. I tried to send all the greetings that were sent with us...if I missed any, just send a message on this post.

today! IHOP (House of Pancakes...and House of Prayer)

much more to come!


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